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Bytes Route 1.6.0 Release Notes

New release: Bytes Route version 1.6.0 – Giraffe 🦒

Bytes Route 1.6.0 – Giraffe is here. This release comes with Tour Analytics 2.0, an extended way of analyzing your tours. Also included are UX improvements in the dashboard and extension and bugfixes for SPAs and the Tour Editor.


  • 📈 Tour Analytics 2.0 –tours now have more data you can analyze. This is a list of all the statistics you can view for a tour starting with version 1.6.0:
    • Tour statistics: completion rate %, started amount, completed amount, stopped amount, errors amount.
    • Tour steps statistics: started amount, completed amount, stopped amount, errors amount.
    • You can read more in the docs.
  • 🛣️ Public roadmap –we made a public roadmap containing the upcoming features coming to Bytes Route.


  • Simplified the UX of the Tour Editor. We removed the guest mode inside the editor since many of our users were confused by it.
  • Improved the dashboard onboarding flow. We now autodetect if the Tour Editor extension is installed.
  • Improve Tour Launcher stability on SPAs.
  • Documentation updates:


  • Fixed a bug that didn’t let tour creators type a step description for steps created on modal windows.
  • Fixed a bug that would throw errors in the Tour Editor.
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