Google Tag Manager is a management tool that allows users to create custom tags for monitoring analytics, conversion and more. Using Google Tag Manager makes it easier to add HTML/JavaScript snippets to your website. It only takes a few minutes … Read More
Installing the script in WordPress
There are two ways for WordPress users to insert code in their websites or web applications. Using a plugin Manual installation 1. Using a plugin The most convenient way for users to insert code into the WordPress header and footer … Read More
Installing the script in HTML
Adding the script directly Adding the script directly Adding the script programmatically This script-adding method is useful if you wish to restrict tour loading for certain users or to inject the script when certain events occur in your app. This … Read More
Launch Widget options
You can access the launch widget options in the Launch widget tab. You can change the following elements on this page: Description text Provide your end-users with a relevant textual description of what the launch widget contains. In the following … Read More
Launch Widget overview
The launch widget is a direct way for your users to experience relevant product tours. It’s in the form of a UI element that can be displayed on your web pages. You can use the launch widget as a collection … Read More
Choosing a tour language
You can choose a tour language from two different locations: In the creation and editing phase of a product tour Using the tour builder, when finalizing a tour creation or a tour edit, in the Tour Finalization window, you can choose what language … Read More
Multi-language overview
The multi-language feature allows creators to set a tour to run in a specific language. The default language for a tour is English. At the moment, there are 7 languages to choose from: English French German Portuguese Spanish Hindi Romanian … Read More
Creating and applying a theme
Themes can be created by any member of the team. Once created, anyone from the team can use them. Creating a new theme To create a new theme, go to the Themes tab, and then press the Create a theme … Read More
UI Themes overview
Using the Themes feature, creators can customize the look of their onboarding content in order to match the company’s brand identity or personal preferences. Themes Management can be found in the Themes tab. Here, you can create, edit and delete themes. … Read More
Team roles
The user who created a team is the team owner. The owner can invite other team members to join. The owner is the only user that can remove members from the team. A user can be part of multiple teams, regardless of the … Read More