
Managing a team

The Team Management page is where the members of the currently selected team are displayed. From here, you can rename the team or manage your team members. Inviting members to the team New members can be invited to a team … Read More

Creating a new team

A Team can be created by clicking the Teams dropdown and then clicking the +Add a new Team button. This will bring forward the Team creation pop-up: Add a name for your new team and press the Create button to finalize the team creation … Read More

Team selection

Users can be part of multiple teams. These teams can easily be switched from the team dropdown list. You can only manage one team at a time. The current team Users can view the currently selected team on the left … Read More

Teams Overview

The Teams feature allows Bytes Route users to invite and collaborate with their colleagues. Developers, designers, managers, customer support, business analysts, etc, all are welcome to take part and share their skills in creating relevant experiences. How do teams work? All users … Read More

Advanced analytics – steps stats

Similar to Basic Analytics, which provides data at the tour level, the Advanced Analytics panel offers statistical information at the step level. The ‘Started’, ‘Completed’, and ‘Stopped’ attribute descriptions can be found in the Basic Analytics section. Understanding errors in steps … Read More

Basic analytics – tour stats

The Tour Basic Analytics panel shows product tour-level statistical information. Each statistic is explained in detail, below. Completion Rate (%) This represents what percentage of the users who started the product tour also finished it. This is a ratio of … Read More

Analytics Overview

Tour Analytics is data about a tour’s performance expressed in numbers. You can analyze these data points to improve the experience of the product tours and maximize your KPIs. How to view tour analytics Step 1: From the  Product Tours … Read More

Run with delay

Why it can be useful This option can be useful if you want the user to stay a certain amount of time on the page before presenting a tour to her. Another scenario where this option can be useful is … Read More

Run a tour once

Sometimes, you might want to only show a certain tour once for your visitors, for example when you want to present a new feature or button that was added in your website or web application. We advise all tours set … Read More

Run tour with custom options and events

Creators can set a product tour to launch programmatically, using custom event triggers. This is an area that requires a little bit of programming on the creator’s part. This method can be used to launch tours when users perform a … Read More

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